BounceProjModifier is the basic component that causes projectiles to ricochet upon hitting obstacles. It is intended to be applied to projectiles.
Both player projectiles and enemy projectiles use this component to handle their ricochets.
Public Variables
Name | Type | Notes | Default Value |
numberOfBounces | int | Controls how many times the projectile is allowed to ricochet. | 1 |
chanceToDieOnBounce | float | Set to a number between 0 and 1, where 0 is 0% and 1 is 100%. Adds a percentage chance for the projectile to, in fact, not bounce upon hitting an obstacle even when the component is present and not all of it's bounces have been used up. | 0f |
percentVelocityToLoseOnBounce | float | Set to a number between 0 and 1, where 0 is 0% and 1 is 100%. Upon bouncing, the projectile loses speed equal to the specified percentage of it's original velocity. | 0f |
damageMultiplierOnBounce | float | The projectile's damage is multiplied by this value upon ricocheting. | 1f |
usesAdditionalScreenShake | bool | Determines whether or not the projectile will trigger the screenshake effect stored in 'additionalScreenShake' upon ricochet. | false |
additionalScreenShake | ScreenShakeSettings | Parameters for the screenshake effect that will be triggered upon bounce if 'usesAdditionalScreenShake' is set to true. | null |
useLayerLimit | bool | unknown | false |
layerLimit | CollisionLayer | unknown | PlayerHitBox |
ExplodeOnEnemyBounce | bool | If the parent projectile has an ExplosiveModifier component, and this variable is set to true, then projectiles will not ricochet off enemies and will instead explode on them. Does nothing if the projectile does not have an ExplosiveModifier component. | false |
removeBulletScriptControl | bool | If the parent projectile is a part of a Bullet Script and this variable is set to true, then the bullet script will cease to control the projectile's motion after a ricochet. | true |
suppressHitEffectsOnBounce | bool | If set to true, then the projectile will not trigger any of it's regular impact visual effects upon bouncing. | false |
onlyBounceOffTiles | bool | If set to true, then the projectile will not ricochet off of enemies or other objects, only bouncing off walls. | false |
bouncesTrackEnemies | bool | If set to true, then instead of projectiles bouncing along a logical vector from their impact direction, they will instead bounce towards the nearest AIActor in a radius determined by 'bounceTrackRadius'. | false |
bounceTrackRadius | float | Determines the radius within which 'smart' bounces can target enemies if 'bouncesTrackEnemies' is true. | 5f |
TrackEnemyChance | float | Set to a number between 0 and 1, where 0 is 0% and 1 is 100%. Determines the chance for projectiles to 'smart' bounce towards the nearest AIActor if bounceTrackRadius is true. (Eg: if set to 0.5f, projectiles will only have a 50% chance to target the nearest enemy). | 1f |
Private Variables
Name | Type | Notes |
m_lastSmartBounceTarget | AIActor | Contains a reference to the last AIActor the projectile 'smart' bounced towards. Used to prevent the projectile from smart bouncing towards the same Actor twice in a row. |
m_cachedNumberOfBounces | int | Stores the amount of bounces the projectile has left. |
m_lastBouncePos | Vector2 | Stores the position at which the projectile's most recent ricochet occurred. |
Actions and Funcs
Name | Arguments | Call Condition |
OnBounce | None | Called when the projectile ricochets. |
OnBounceContext |
| Called when the projectile ricochets. Provides more contextual variables than OnBounce. |
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